Fact Sheet Instructions

About Adobe PDF
Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) is the open de facto standard for electronic document distribution worldwide. PDF is a universal file format that preserves all of the fonts, formatting, colors, and graphics of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it. PDF files are compact and can be shared, viewed, navigated, and printed exactly as intended by anyone with a free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Here is an example of typical use for PDF files:
1. You download a PDF file to your computer. For example, you download a PDF file from a website, or, you receive a file as an email attachment.
2. You have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader already installed, or you download it and install it on your computer.
3. With Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can view and print the PDF file, which looks and prints exactly as it was created by the author. No additional applications, fonts, or files are needed.

Using Acrobat Reader
If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can download it now. Go to Adobe to download a free Adobe Acrobat Reader for PC or Mac.

After installing Acrobat Reader, double-click a PDF file to start Acrobat Reader and view the file. Or you can start Acrobat Reader first, then choose File > Open to view a PDF file.

For more help using Acrobat Reader, choose Help > Acrobat Guide from within Acrobat Reader.