Z-Best Landscape Compost Fact Sheet

Current Analysis
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Primary Values:
Conditions the soil for new plantings and helps create good soil structure with improved drainage.

Recommended uses:

Excellent soil amendment for conditioning heavy clay soils particularly at new home sites
Good preplant conditioner for new lawn
Long lasting soil amendment for sandy soils

Best Practices:

  • Use a soil test to determine what amount of organic compost is right for your situation.
  • In existing flowerbeds where digging would disturb plant root system put _" to 1" of compost on top of the ground and scratch in before placing a mulch on top of the compost and deep watering.
  • In preplant preparation and reconditioning old beds mix organic compost in the top 6" of the soil, water the beds down two to three times three days apart. This practice reduces soluble nutrients at the root level before seeding, using sod, or planting annuals
  • Final seedbed preparation for direct seeding lawns, vegetables and flowers includes using _"organic compost at the very top of the soil to hold moisture and allow for germination and early root development. Be sure to water _" at least two times before planting your seeds.
  • Top dress a new lawn with compost after the lawn shows significant new growth (a least one month). After applying a top dressing of compost, apply _" to 1" of wate


Feedstock: Made from clean ground yard trimmings (grass, leaves, limbs, and branches) from the City of San Jose Curbside Yard Waste Collection Program

Particle Size: _" minus

Organic Matter: 25% to 38%

Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio: 14:1 to 20:1

pH:7.1 to 8.2

Calcium ranges:* Calcium = 3.14% to 4.28% / lbs. per ton = 40 to 55 / lbs. per yard = 22 to 36

*As reported in past laboratory reports and not intended to be a guarantee of nutrients or their current availability. Most differences reported on laboratory tests are due to conditions beyond the control of Z-Best Products, (seasonal variations in feedstock, weather and moisture conditions). See laboratory analysis summary sheet for more information.